
I am a good teacher because...

I googled teacher meme's and so I stole this one from Tim Fredrick who stole it from Nancy. I don't know these people but hey, give credit where credit is due!

I am a good teacher because . . . I have a gift for easily explaining things, I love being part of my students' lives, and I take time to learn about and know my students personally.

If I weren’t a teacher, I would be . . . an office manager. I am all about analyzing, organizing, and efficiency. I love office work, data entry, and computers. But I do hate answering phones.

My teaching style is . . . .delegator or personal model. I like to explain, give a few examples, then let students comment and work on examples. I am no mathematical expert but I'm working on incorporating more creative projects and cooperative learning.

My classroom is . . . non-existent at the moment. But I hope for it to be colorful and interesting. It's also my second home and a place where students can relax, laugh, and feel safe.

My lesson plans are . . . simple. I like clean cut examples and I write notes as if I was talking to the students. I don't like formal language.

One of my teaching goals is . . . to be the best teacher in the world! On a serious note, my goal is for all of my students to pass my class with a better grade than they had in their last math course.

The toughest part of teaching is . . . is not having enough time and resources to devote fully to each class. The classroom could be so much more fun and effective is money, equipment, and time weren't so limited.

The toughest part of teaching is . . . is trying to truly teach the students a good foundation for math while aligning to standards and teaching to multiple nonhelpful standardized tests. (I liked this one so I did it twice!)

The thing I love most about teaching is . . . the positive comments and hugs from students. I love being a part of their life! I really enjoy giving students advice about life and developing character more than I care about math grades.

A common misconception about teaching is . . . that it's easy. The hours and vacation are great but it takes more than a warm body. There are too many negative people who don't even like students or care about teaching in the school system. If you want to be a teacher, you should geniunely care about the students and improving their lives as well as improving yourself.

The most important thing I’ve learned since I started teaching is . . . teaching is a gift and I have it.

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